Reality check: Is Texas really like the Taliban for banning abortion? No.

Is Texas Really Suppressing Women’s Rights and Comparable To The Taliban For Banning Abortion? REALITY CHECK.

This short article was inspired by a post a family member wrote on Facebook which compared Texas to the Taliban (in Afghanistan), and simply for their idea that Texas was suppressing women’s rights by banning abortions after 6 weeks. FOR DETAILED INFO ON THE BABY, VISIT THIS SITE (AND SCROLL DOWN THE PAGE); ALSO, IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING AN ABORTION AND THINK IT’S YOUR ONLY CHOICE, SEE THIS SITE TO FIND ALTERNATIVES (YOU ARE NOT ALONE, AND THERE ARE OTHER OPTIONS.

*Dear ANYONE who compares Texas to the Taliban for banning abortions (after 6 weeks), claims they are taking away women’s rights, and calls them religious nutcases: how can you compare a government BANNING murder to a “government” ACTIVELY murdering door to door? Abortion (the majority of which is for the sake of convenience) like it or not, is murder, it falsely uses the terms “women’s rights” and “women’s choice” to trample on the rights of the vulnerable & innocent who don’t have a choice, & who has their own body, which only exists because of the callous mother’s (often immoral) series of choices and rights that she already made and practiced (and women can suffer trauma after coming to the realization of what they’ve done). MEANWHILE, the Islamic Taliban (which I doubt you know much of anything of what they believe) is actively BANNING women from going to school and working, AND is going door to door killing Christians and destroying Bibles & Bible apps (Christians, of whom, I also doubt you know much about what we believe), AND going door to door forcing families to give them their young daughters – which, if they did not mark their house that they did have such a daughter, the whole family is killed, AND taking older women, killing their husbands, doing what they will with them, and then selling them into sex slavery, AND beating poor women to death and setting their houses of fire who cannot feed large numbers of terrorist soldiers because they cannot work and their husbands have either been killed or have abandoned them like cowards (as I’ve heard happened in at least one incident – the beating to death & burning of the house), AND who will enforce Sharia law, which means no freedom for anyone, and death sentences passed out like candy for a myriad of offenses (ranging from leaving Islam, to preaching something different to Islam [like the love and salvation of Christ Jesus that changes lives both now and in eternity], or criticizing Islam, or… stepping outside without being escorted by a male family member or covered head to foot in a burqa [or burka]). . . .
PS, have you ever seen abortion photos? You might want to take a real close and long look at what you are promoting before you promote it. (Oh, you don’t want to look? Then you’re also a coward and a hypocrite!).
***PPS, if you’ve had an abortion & now realize it’s severity, please see the note at the bottom of this article, there is still hope.**
***”But What about rape?” See note at the bottom.**
*The Islamic Taliban values death, Christians value life. You want women to have the supposed “right” to murder an innocent human being, who has their own body, and hasn’t done anything wrong – usually because of the woman’s prior choices, and usually for the sake of convenience because she is unloving of her own child and callous to the fact that he/she is a living human being & her own child (because she’s been brainwashed to think it’s not a human being, even after it’s fully formed [even – for some – after he/she is already born!], and has been brainwashed with Atheistic immorality & propaganda)… so who is REALLY like the Taliban here? (And who’s really the nutcase?). And by extension, who’s the one who REALLY wants tyranny and totalitarianism? Who’s labeling God’s book of love and salvation as hate speech? Who’s targeting Christian bakers for following their convictions and trying to ruin their lives? Who’s trying to silence Christians and conservatives? Who can’t stand to hear the other side of an issue without baselessly screaming broad brushing personal attacks?
*The divide in America, and around the world, is becoming more and more clear… it’s not about policies or political parties, it’s not even about science vs religion (which is a deceptive misnomer)… it’s about morality (or the lack thereof) and whether you will follow the true & proven God of the Bible (Who wants to save you, and has given everything for that to happen in Jesus Christ, Who left Heaven, lived a perfect & miraculous life teaching us how to live rightly & lovingly, paid the legal fee for your sins on the cross & rose from the dead 3 days later to prove Himself – even a former Atheist [multiple actually] came to believe the truth after a long investigation of the truth: e.g., or will you follow the god of this world, aka Satan (who will take any route to keep you from Salvation in Jesus, and keep you deceived and on the path of & to destruction & misery)? There is no middle ground. For the Taliban, it’s Islam, for you it’s liberalism, materialism, & Atheism. Both love death. Both hate Jesus, the Bible, & Christians. We – by contrast – are commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ in the Bible to LOVE both of you, the brainwashed foolish Islamic Taliban & the brainwashed foolish liberal Atheist, because Jesus loves you and He died for both of you as much as for me, and offers salvation to both of you as much as to me if you will repent and trust in Him.
*And, PS, for those who think “science” is on your side to deny God, the Bible, absolute morality, and to live immorally… no it isn’t:
*And PPS, if you want to know about the man & religion that the Taliban followers, I’d suggest starting off here:
Or also see the subpage articles here:
(Side menu –> Other Religions –> Islam –> subpages).
*And PPPS, lest we forget, remember that that same Taliban is now more well equipped and set up to actually abuse women’s rights and basic human rights because of the man that you probably voted for & defended against mounting evidence that he was fraudulently put in place.
*And PPPPS, if you must insist on comparing the government of Texas to the Taliban in Afghanistan… maybe you should try living in both places for a while. And by the way, don’t be expecting to see plane loads of people fleeing Texas and trying to hang on to the outrigging to go to some better “freedom” loving place, because if there’s one country that stands for freedom (at least historically), it’s the USA, and if there’s one state the epidimizes the American dream and freedom, it’s Texas.
*And PPPPPS, many of you who would make such comments could likely come from California… and many Californians have recently (to my understanding) fled to Texas! They didn’t do so because it was Taliban central. And if YOU should consider gracing the good people of Texas with your presence for fleeing the horrific results of the liberal politicians you put in place… please leave your stinking thinking behind, because Texas didn’t become the great place to live that it is today because of liberal Atheistic politicians with their heads so far up their backsides that they can’t see the light of day.
*And PPPPPPS, the Lord said you will give an account for every idle word you’ve spoken. You’ll also give an account for every thought you’ve ever thought, and action you’ve ever done, and most importantly, your decision of what to do with Jesus (our Saviour and Judge).
1. The true God of the Bible still loves you, and He can still forgive you and offer you eternal life in Jesus Christ if you will repent of your sins and turn to and trust in Him and what He did for you.
2. I believe that aborted babies go to be with Jesus in Heaven, they have not reached an age of accountability. And if you give your life to the Lord, repent of your sins and obey Him, persevering in Him to the end, you will see your child again someday, and I think they’ll be waiting for you. You might like to see this Heaven encounter (watch it through to the end, I think you’ll be blessed by it).
*****NOTE: BUT WHAT ABOUT RAPE? Here’s a comment I made recently, with an additional comment in the regard of rape and abortion:
Here’s a thought: if you don’t want to have a baby, then don’t have sex:
Yes, unfortunately rape can happen. but there are two things to consider: 1. IF rape happens: A. the woman can always drop the baby off at a hospital or fire station (at least in some states) and walk away (unfortunately), or even put it up for adoption. There are MANY people waiting to adopt children. B. is murder really the only alternative you are willing to take in order not to have the child – even with alternatives that would leave you not having to care for him/her? 2. The reality of the situation is MOST abortions are for the sake of convenience, and are perpetuated by a worldview that has pushed God and morality out of society, pushed for immorality to flourish, and brainwashed much of the populace into not recognizing & valuing human life. With this in mind, I doubt most proponents of abortion would even consider making abortion for convenience illegal with exception for rape (which I still wouldn’t agree with), because that is really the heart of the issue in my opinion, putting rape out there is really just an excuse to keep abortion for convenience, otherwise why not make it illegal with that exception? And as a side note: if they didn’t want rape, they should probably not have driven God out of society, and promoted immorality, broke down the family and fatherhood, demonized real manhood, etc.”